

谢红光,医学博士,药理学教授,南京医科大学博士研究生导师。198419891995年分别毕业并获得湖南医科大学(现更名为中南大学湘雅医学院)授予的医学学士、医学硕士和医学博士学位。1989年留校任教后先后晋升为药理学讲师和副教授、被评聘为药理学硕士研究生导师;曾任湖南医科大学遗传药理学研究所首任副所长,是该研究所的合伙创建者(co-founder)之一。1997年获美国默沙东(MSD)国际临床药理学奖学金,在美国范德堡(Vanderbilt)大学医学院临床药理学系接受博士后培训后留校继续从事临床药理学研究至2007年。之后曾分别在加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)和美国联邦政府食品与药品管理局(FDA)学习与工作。201112月以海外引进高层次人才身份回国工作,应聘为南京医科大学药理学教授、博士生导师。2014年被授予“江苏特聘医学专家”。曾任南京市第一医院中心实验室主任(2011.12 – 2021.7)。
主要从事临床药理学、药物代谢动力学、药物基因组学、药物个体化治疗(精准医学)、种族药理学等方面的研究工作,是我国遗传药理学研究的早期领军学者和药物经济学的早期倡导与实践者之一。早年作为主创骨干人员参与立项、申请和完成国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目各1项。早年协助主持并参与我国汉族和少数民族人群药物代谢能力的种族差异及其机制研究,荣获1999年度湖南省科学技术进步奖一等奖(排名第2)。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项和面上项目2项,2021江苏省科技计划社会发展专项重点项目(临床前沿技术)1项,江苏省人力资源与社会保障厅出国留学回国人员资助项目、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目、2020年度南京市卫生科技发展专项医学重点项目各1等多个研究课题。现已发表140多篇SCI论文(科研原著、特邀专题评论、特约综述、综述和通讯等)。近年,合作主编英文专著Applying Pharmacogenomics in TherapeuticsBiologics and Biosimilars: Drug Development and Clinical Applications(分别由美国、英国的CRC Press出版);作为副主编之一,参与编写、出版国家卫计委十三五暨全国高等医药教材研究会临床医学专业规划教材英文版《药理学》(人民卫生出版社出版)。是BMC Medical Genomics(原BMC Medical Genetics)杂志副主编,Molecular Diagnosis & TherapyClinical Drug InvestigationJournal of Geriatric Cardiology等杂志编委,国外30多种学术期刊的同行审稿专家。指导的博士研究生贾雨萌博士荣获美国药理学与实验治疗学学会(ASPET)旗下杂志Drug Metabolism and Disposition 202010Highlighted Trainee Author称号。

1. 抗血小板药物的药物基因组学与个体化用药研究;
2. 药物代谢与转运及其机制研究;
3. 心血管药物的临床药理学研究。


  1. Jiang LP, Ji JZ, Ge PX, Zhu T, Mi QY, Tai T, Li YF, Xie HG*. Is platelet responsiveness to clopidogrel attenuated in overweight or obese patients and why? A reverse translational study in mice. British Journal of Pharmacology 2021; in press. doi:10.1002/bph.15667

  2. Ji JZ, Li YF, Jiang LP, Tai T, Ge PX, Mi QY, Zhu T, Xie HG*. P-glycoprotein deficiency enhances metabolic activation of and platelet response to clopidogrel through marked up-regulation of Cyp3a11 in mice: Direct evidence for the interplay between P-glycoprotein and Cyp3a. Biochemical Pharmacology 2021; 183:114313.

  3. Ge PX, Jiang LP, Tai T, Zhu T, Ji JZ, Li YF, Mi QY, Xie HG*. Short-term standard alcohol consumption enhances platelet response to clopidogrel through inhibition of Nrf2/Ces1 pathway and induction of Cyp2c in mice. Life Sciences 2021; 119268.

  4. Jia YM, Zhou H, Tai T, Gu TT, Ji JZ, Mi QY, Huang BB, Li YF, Zhu T, Xie HG*. Enhanced responsiveness of platelets to vicagrel in IL-10-deficient mice through STAT3-dependent up-regulation of hydrolase Aadac in the intestine. British Journal of Pharmacology2019; 176(11):1717–1727.

  5. Jia YM, Zu T, Zhou H, Ji JZ, Tai T, Xie HG*. MRP3 is responsible for the efflux transport of curcumin glucuronide from hepatocytes to the blood. Drug Metabolism & Disposition2020; 48(10): 966971.

  6. Tai T, Zhou H, Zhu T, Jia YM, Ji JZ, Li YF, Mi QY, Xie HG*. Development and validation of a UPLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of vicagrel and its major metabolites in rat or human plasma: An optimized novel strategy for the stabilization of vicagrel. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis2020; 179:112955

  7. Jia YM, Ge PX, Zhou H, Ji JZ, Tai T, Gu TT, Zhu T, Li YF, Mi QY, Huang BB, Xie HG*. Vicagrel enhances aspirin-induced inhibition of both platelet aggregation and thrombus formation in rodents due to its decreased metabolic inactivation. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy2019; 115:108906.

  8. Ji JZ, Tai T, Huang BB, Gu TT, Mi QY, Xie HG*. MRP3 transports clopidogrel acyl glucuronide from the hepatocytes into blood. Drug Metabolism & Disposition2108; 46(2):151–154.

  9. Ji JZ, Huang BB, Gu TT, Tai T, Zhou H, Jia YM, Mi QY, Zhang MR, Xie HG*. Human UGT2B7 is the major isoform responsible for the glucuronidation of clopidogrel carboxylate. Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition2018; 39(2):88–98.

  10. Xie HG*, Jia YM, Tai T, Ji JZ. Overcoming clopidogrel resistance: Three promising novel antiplatelet drugs developed in China. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology2017; 70(6):356–361.

  11. Tai T, Mi QY, Ji JZ, Yin Q, Pan YQ, Zhang MR, Huang BB, Xie HG*. Enhanced platelet response to clopidogrel in Abcc3-deficient mice due to its increased bioactivation. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology2016; 68(6):433–440.

  12. Yin Q, Tai T, Ji JZ, Mi QY, Zhang MR, Huang WJ, Cao CC, Xie HG*. Interleukin-10 does not modulate clopidogrel platelet response in mice. Journal of Thrombosis & Haemostasis 2016; 14(3):596–605.

  13. Xie HG*. Chapter 1.Biologics and Biosimilars 101: Principles and Practice. In: Feng X, Malhotra A, Xie HG(谢红光)Yang C 主编. Biologics and Biosimilars: Drug Development and Clinical Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, UK, 2022; in press. (ISBN 978-1-1385-9422-7)

  14. Xie HG*. Chapter 11. Pharmacoeconogenomics: A good marriage of pharmacoeconomics and pharmacogenomics. In: Feng XXie HG(谢红光)主编. Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics. Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, USA, 2016; pp. 271286. (ISBN 978-1-4665-8267-5).

  15. Xie HG*, Zhang YD. Chapter22. Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine of the Antiplatelet Drugs. In: Barh D, Dhawan DGanguly NK 主编. Omics for Personalized Medicine. Springer India, New Delhi, India, 2013; pp. 469–506. (ISBN 978-81-322-1184-6).


  1. 谢红光,吉金子,黄贝贝,邰婷,米琼宇,谢文剑. 人血清C4BP-α蛋白作为预测氯吡格雷抵抗的生物标志物及其临床应用。国家发明专利授权号ZL201811515436.9

  2. 谢红光,李逸飞,吉金子,邰婷,米琼宇,谢文剑.  一种预测氯吡格雷抵抗的生物标志物的应用及其试剂盒。国家发明专利授权号ZL201910769174.7

  3. 谢红光,柳伟强,潘玉琴,杨平,殷蒨,米琼宇. ABCC3-013 mRNA 在制备检测氯吡格雷抵抗的试剂盒中的应用及其试剂盒。国家发明专利授权号ZL201610489596.5

  4. 谢红光,邰婷,周缓,贾雨萌,吉金子.  同时准确定量分析人血浆维卡格雷及其主要代谢产物的检测方法及其试剂盒。国家发明专利授权号ZL201910779635.9

  5. 王丽玲,谢红光,肖杰,杭建,宋家武.  用于检测运动性猝死相关基因的探针、基因芯片及试剂盒。国家发明专利授权号ZL201910831612.8



E-mail: honggxie@163.com;hongg.xie@gmail.com;hong-guang.xie@cpu.edu.cn; hong-guang.xie@njmu.edu.cn