


段主要从事蛋白质组学和表观遗传学的研究。 博士毕业之后先后在美国Cornell University医学院和Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center从事博士后工作,对疾病和胚胎发育过程中的表观遗传学和基因转录调控机制进行了研究。目前为止先后在Stem Cell Reports (Cell子刊)Cell ReportsGenome Research等杂志中共发表了12篇论文。

Wu T, Pinto HB, Kamikawa YF, and Donohoe ME. The BET family member Brd4 interacts with Oct4 and regulates pluripotency gene expression. Stem Cell Reports (Cell子刊). 2015 Mar 10;4(3):390-403.

Wu T,Hadjantonakis AK, and Nowotschin S. Visualizing endoderm cell populations and their dynamics in the mouse embryo with a Hex-tdTomato reporter. Biology Open. 2017: doi:10.1242/bio.024638

Wu T, Kamikawa YF, andDonohoe ME. Brd4 mediates histone H3 acetylation and chromatin remodeling in pluripotent cells through P300 and Brg1. Cell Reports (Cell子刊). Accepted

Wu T, Pi EX, Tsai SN, Lam HM, Sun SM, Kwan YW, Ngai SM. GmPHD5 acts as an important regulator for crosstalk between histone H3K4 di-methylation and H3K14 acetylation in response to salinity stress in soybean. BMC Plant Biol. 2011 Dec 15;11:178.   

Wu T, Yuan T, Tsai SN, Wang C, Sun SM, Lam HM, Ngai SM. Mass spectrometry analysis of the variants of histone H3 and H4 of soybean and their post-translational modifications. BMC Plant Biol. 2009, 9:98.